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Diversity, Features, General

Per Ardua at MPIM 2019

Per Ardua’s Real Estate team, led by Kate Hammar, were down in Cannes for three days at MIPIM this year, the Real Estate conference of the year. Despite the strong

Per Ardua hosted its annual Female Leaders Dinner

Per Ardua hosted its annual Female Leaders Dinner at the Ivy restaurant in the City with a number of high profile women from across the financial services sector last week –

When the IIC came to London

IIC Partners is an International Global Network of like-minded search firms.We met in London for our global conference. Of the 45 firms approximately 40 were represented in countries crossing all

Per Ardua hosts HR Dinner

An excellent dinner was held at the top of the Gherkin with a number of key HR Directors from the Insurance sector. Kim Birnie, Leadership Development Consultant and Executive Coach,