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You’ll find our team getting involved in national and international initiatives, making a positive and inspiring difference, bringing about change that will benefit future generations.


It’s hard to get talent on board when non-executive roles don’t appeal The financial services sector has a recruitment problem. A problem …

Are ‘hyper-connected’ bosses the key to growing the UK’s economy? You can read the full article by clicking here

Per Ardua hosted its annual CFO dinner in May with the topic being “transitioning from CFO to CEO”.  A number of Group …

Per Ardua NED School 2018

We held our second NED School event on 30th May 2018. As with the inaugural session in November last year, the aim …

What a wonderful turn out – over 100 of our friends, clients and candidates joined us to celebrate the Company’s 10th birthday …

Per Ardua hosted a breakfast in conjunction with the 30% Club and Women Ahead at their office on International Women’s Day. This …

Per Ardua NED School 2017

This was the beginning of what we have called NED School. Where eight NEDs, with an aspiration to become chairman, spent half …

The Treasury chose on merit, but where does that leave the Bank of England’s equality drive? You can read the full article …

April was a historic month for British Business – The full effects of which have not been felt yet. The Introduction of …

Per Ardua Associates – 10th Anniversary Party – Gherkin Sky Bar – 23rd May 2018 What a wonderful turn out – over …